S.D. Erbprinz Alois von und zu Liechtenstein

Broadly diversified companies
The Princely House of Liechtenstein has a broadly diversified international portfolio of companies which form the cornerstone of the Princely Assets.
The Princely House’s enterprises include agricultural and forestry businesses, sustainably committed holdings and an extensive real estate portfolio with castles and palaces of historical significance. Various businesses are united in the Liechtenstein Group, which is active in the business areas of agriculture and food as well as forestry, renewable energies and real estate. In addition, LGT, the world's largest private banking and asset management group, entirely owned and managed by one family, is one of the companies of the Princely House.
Entrepreneurial family for centuries
In its 900-year history, the Princely House has also learned to successfully overcome business setbacks – such as those caused by wars or natural disasters. In the 17th century, for example, Prince Johann Adam Andreas I, namesake of the Reigning Prince, was able to pay off his father’s debts, which had grown as a result of a war, in an astonishingly short time. He skilfully used his landed property for this purpose and continuously expanded it through purchases.
After the Second World War, the Princely House of Liechtenstein lost most of its possessions through confiscation in what was then Czechoslovakia. Prince Hans-Adam II, who reigns today, took over the administration of the remaining Princely Assets as Hereditary Prince in the 1970s and within a short time turned it into the successful business group which is held by the Princely Foundations.
Under the sign of sustainability
The Princely House has always pursued a broadly diversified investment strategy based on long-term thinking and action. In doing so, the companies of the Princely House promote innovation and are guided by the principles of sustainable development and ethical standards.